Nikki DeLoach

HypnoMag 18 paru en juillet 2021
Retrouvez l'interview VF dans HypnoMag#19, pages 4 à 13.

Ecrit par Spyfafa 

Octobre 2021

You have a great career due to your roles in television series and films. In France, you are best known for the series Awkward. You played Lacey Hamilton, the mother of the main character on the show. Did you enjoy playing this role for several years? 

It was one of my greatest joys, not just in my career, but also personally. When I read the pilot, it was something I had creatively never seen before. It had so much heart, so much humor, it was so well written, and the characters were so beautifully developed. I just thought it was such a tremendous blessing to be able to play Lacey Hamilton. Once I got to set and met all the other actors, and we all started to play together, there was this connection that we instantly made to each other as if we had worked together all of our lives. As if we had known each other all of our lives. We had so much fun on that show, we laughed and laughed! To this day, I am friends with everybody on this show. We are not just friends, these are the people I consider to be part of my family. It was truly one of the greatest experiences I have ever had in my life, and I will always be so grateful for the show Awkward. and for the role of Lacey Hamilton. I truly wish they would reboot it because how fun would it be to see these characters ten years later and to see who they grew up to be. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for that one.

Did you have anything in common with this character?

Lacey was a character that was so different from me. I grew up like a tomboy. I played a lot of sports, I was a dancer and a gymnast. I didn't really like wearing girly clothes or dresses. Lacey was all about that…she was all about the clothes and the heels. She said she wanted her daughter to be popular and have all the things that were taken away from her when she got pregnant in high school, and she wanted her daughter to have this life that she was robbed of. 

For me, I was the opposite. I actually didn't go to a normal high school. I was a kid who started in the industry at a very young age, so my high school was all done through tutoring and through the University of Nebraska. I didn't even have a high school experience like Lacey had. More than any of the characters that I have played, she's probably one of the ones that I had the least in common with, and I think that's also what made her so much fun for me. I got to create a character based on the pilot and what the creator of the show, Lauren Iungerich, had told me about Lacey. I got to really build her from the ground up and create this person that I wasn't. It was so fun to put her clothes on and just really fall into the character of Lacey Hamilton every single day.

Can you share with us some memories from filming?

One of my favorite memories was when the whole cast went on location somewhere in season four. We all went to Big Bear, which is a ski resort area in California. It was the first time we had all gone somewhere as a crew together, so we had a blast. We were all staying at the same hotel, and we would go out to a tiny dive bar in town. They had karaoke there, so between the cast and the crew, we would fill and take over this entire place. Everybody would get up there to sing songs and we had so much fun doing that! That memory stands out to me because, even as adults, when you all go away together on location it feels a little bit like summer camp.

You also starred in North Shore series, a series shot in Hawaii. What was your experience like filming alongside Kristoffer Polaha and Jay Kenneth Johnson? 

North Shore was one of the best career and personal experiences I have had in my life. I filmed in Hawaii for a year, and I just fell in love with it. It's the place that I want to move to one day and just live out the rest of my life with my family. The crew was so incredible and the cast was wonderful. My character specifically because she was a surfer, so I had a lot of scenes that filmed out on the North Shore. I would have to get up at 3:30 in the morning to get out there to start and go through hair and makeup. We had to be there to catch the sunrise and that first shot of the morning. I can't even tell you how incredible it is to watch the sun come up on the shores of North Shore, Hawaii. Also getting to do what I love to do was a real pinch-me moment because you never really know where or when your next job will be. Hawaii was truly a gift. Kristoffer Polaha has been one of my best friends since we met on the show in 2004, and now we both work on Hallmark together. I was recently in Canada, and he was there filming as well so we were able to have dinner together. He is just one of the most wonderful human beings you will ever meet in your life. Calling him a friend is an understatement and I love him so dearly.

For several years, you have been starring in Hallmark original movies. What do you like about these projects?

My favorite thing about Hallmark movies, and the reason why I really wanted to continue to make Hallmark movies, is because of how they make people feel. I did my first Hallmark movie in 2016 and the response that I got from people, the joy that was coming out of them, was unlike anything I had ever experienced. People loved Awkward. because it made them laugh. Moms would watch it with their daughters, and you got those beautiful stories of mother-daughter bonding because of Lacey and Jenna.

Hallmark was a different story. People were saying things like “you have no idea how these movies make me feel…they bring me so much joy” or “I lost my mom and I saw your movie and it really helped me to get through the holidays.” These real people share their life stories with you after watching these movies, and it's why I always want to be a part of the company. I always want to be a part of making movies like this that make people feel warm and fuzzy. Movies that make them happy and offer them an escape from life sometimes because I think we all need that.

You appeared in the TV movie Taking the Reins alongside Scott Porter, which aired on September 25 in the USA. Can you introduce your character, Samantha?

Samantha is very stubborn, she has a lot of hubris. The movie is really about her going from hubris to humbled and it's also about learning to trust again. She literally has to get back on the horse in the movie and face a fear of hers. She had always been a competitive showjumper,  and she suffered great humiliation at a big competition when she was thrown off the horse. She was supposed to win the championship and instead, she failed miserably. After that, she walked away from the sport and in the movie she literally has to get back on the horse to help her mom and dad. Not only that, she has to learn to trust again when it comes to love. She was married and went through a divorce, her ex-husband ends up being her horse trainer. The two of them not only have to learn to work together, but they also rediscover each other all these years later. They're different people now and she gets back on the horse metaphorically when it comes to love.

For this movie, you had to film scenes with horses. Did you enjoy this experience? Did you have to learn to ride a horse?

I grew up with a grandfather who was a real cowboy and the character Preston, which was played magnificently by Corbin Bernsen, was based on my grandfather. He too was a very stubborn man, very driven and very determined. Hard on the outside but soft on the inside. My grandfather was one of my favorite people ever, so I wanted to create a character that was really in honor of him. He was the one that brought horses into my life, he gave me my first horse when I was six or seven years old…his name was Peanuts. I started riding horses at a really young age. However, I had no experience showjumping and I had no experience with dressage, which is a totally different way to ride. I grew up riding Western-style, so I did go and take lessons to learn the right techniques for showjumping and dressage. I felt like it was really important to the character for me to know that. It changes the way that you sit on a horse, it changes the way you ride the horse…and it was just such a phenomenal experience. The horse in the movie was the best horse I've ever been on in my life. His name was Patrick and he was such a special horse. His spirit and his soul were so kind! It was such a beautiful spiritual experience to be able to be with Patrick every single day and it's something that I will never forget for the rest of my life.

You recently filmed a new Hallmark Christmas movie. Can you tell us something about it? 

Yes, it’s called Five More Minutes. This movie was really special because it's about grief and the loss of someone very near and dear to the lead character. I went to film it about six weeks after my dad passed away. My dad was my North star, my moral compass. He was such a giant source of unconditional love for me and I was just a daddy's girl my entire life. I still feel like I’m in shock and deep grief over the loss of him. However, this movie is for anyone who is going through grief and anyone who has lost someone. The thing about this movie that makes it so special is that it offers you help and hope that you will always be connected to the ones that you lose. That they are never far away and they are always with you no matter what. It's truly a beautiful movie and I really hope people enjoy it.

Where did the filming take place? 

We filmed in Vancouver, Canada. I always love going to Canada, it’s such a great country! Vancouver is an incredible and beautiful city. The people there are just some of the most lovely, open, kind, and thoughtful people you will ever meet in your life.

You were executive producer for the TV movie Reunited At Christmas in 2018. What do you enjoy most about working behind the scenes?

Since I was a little girl, and I do mean little, I would write scenes and different characters. I would gather all the kids in the neighborhood and give them different roles with their dialogue so we could put on little productions in my backyard. From the time I was really little I was always interested in being behind the camera. I produce not just as a producer, but also as a writer. I just love taking the seed of an idea and then building upon it until it becomes a story. You take that story and you bring in actors, a director, cameras, set decoration, and props. Then you watch it come to life right in front of you. It is one of the most rewarding experiences creatively in my opinion that you can have. I hope I get to keep working more and more behind the camera. It’s a big chunk of the work that I do now. I would say that I spend probably 60% of my time developing stories, producing, and writing. Then 40% acting. I have really been given a gift in the opportunity to be able to produce and write.

Among the films in which you have starred, you have been cast on the French film Hollywoo. You play Jennifer Marshall, the American actress who decides to announce the end of her career, much to the chagrin of the character of Florence Foresti, her French voice. How did you get this part? 

I will go on record as saying this was also one of the most incredible experiences of my life. I auditioned for the role of Jennifer Marshall, and the next thing I knew I got a call saying that I had been cast. I had no idea what to expect because I had never done a French film before. The whole production came to California for the first couple of months to film and then we were able to go to Paris. It was the first time I had ever been to Paris and I have to say the French really know how to do production right.  I go on these American productions where we are working 16-hour days and you are so exhausted by the end of it you can barely move. It’s such a grind and then I do this French movie that is eight hours of filming a day and you get a decent lunch. I will never forget sitting down at a table and eating like an actual proper human, not shoveling food down your face really quick because it’s an hour-long lunch break. You even got to close your eyes and nap afterward. There was wine at the table if you wanted for lunch,  which I couldn't do because I would never have been able to go back to work. I'm such a lightweight when it comes to drinking, however, the experience was so just effortless, fun, and a blast.

Florence Foresti is one of the most incredible human beings. Not only is she one of the funniest women that I have ever been around, her heart is the size of Texas. When I was in Paris, she took me to parties at her house, introduced me to her friends, and took me all around Paris. She showed me Paris as I would never have been able to see it, and I fell in love with it. It’s one of my favorite places in the entire world. France is one of my favorite places and has a really special place in my heart. 

Do you ever see yourself doing voiceover projects?

I would love to do voiceover projects. I audition for them all the time and I never really book anything, so Florence Foresti is obviously much better at it than me. I would love to do voiceover, I think it's such a cool job to be able to get behind the mic and alter your voice to create this character. I also heard you get to do it in your sweatpants with no makeup, and that’s actually a giant plus for me.

You are involved with several charities including The Alzheimer’s Association and Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. Why are these causes important to you?

These causes are very near and dear to my heart because of what I've gone through with people in my life. I've lost two people in my family to Alzheimer's and Dementia. The first was my grandfather who had vascular dementia and he passed away from the disease. Then I lost my dad on July 27th of this year to something called Pick's Disease, which is a very rare and aggressive form of dementia. He was only 66 years old, and the suffering that he endured in that disease was unlike anything I've ever seen in my life. It only inspired me to work even harder to not only raise awareness, but to raise funds that can go to research so that one day we can live in a world where people do not have to die from this disease. Where the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s and Dementia is not fatal.

For Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, the reason I work with the hospital and why it’s so beloved to me is because it saved my son’s life. My youngest son, Bennett, was born with four heart defects and at five days old he had his first open-heart surgery. They saved his life. A year later he had to have another open-heart surgery. Again they saved his life, and then he had to have another procedure. My other son has broken his leg, broken his wrist in two places and we’ve immediately gone to CHLA for them to cast him and make him better. For me, there is no greater cause in the world than saving the life of a child, and there’s no one that does it better than CHLA. They accept patients from all over the country and all over the world. The research and innovation that is happening at the hospital is unlike any other I’ve ever seen. They are literally curing childhood blindness and they’re coming up with these incredible discoveries. They are giving children not only a chance to beat certain cancers, but to go on and live cancer-free lives. The work that they are doing inspires me every day to work harder to cure more children in the hospital and  also raise more money for CHLA. They are one of very few hospitals left in the entire United States where they turn no child away. It doesn’t matter if you have insurance or not. Your child will get the same healthcare as anyone else. That’s why both of these causes are truly beloved to me.

You are the co-founder, alongside Jen Dede, of the blog What We Are which aims to share stories and authentic portraits of women for women. Why was it important for you to create this online community?

Back when Jen and I started to become friends I was in my 20’s and she was in her 30’s. I was really not interested in being in superficial relationships with people. I wanted to get to know myself better, I wanted to be able to be in a place where I could really embrace my own trauma that I had gone through. Embrace all the ways I’m not perfect, embrace my faults and the things about me that may not be perfect and Instagram-worthy. I was really in that place as a person and so was she. We really struck up a friendship and made a pact that we were going to be 100% authentic with one another. We were going to tell each other the truth, we were going to love each other through it. As we were doing this, we would see all of these other friends in our lives that were curious as to what we were doing. It kind of spread this energy throughout all of our friend groups. So we decided why don’t bring this online to a community for other women to share their stories. Whether it’s something hard that they went through, something that they’ve never told anyone else, or something that makes them vulnerable. We believe that vulnerability is your superpower. That was really why we wanted to create this community. It’s still our why and the reason we want to continue.


Photographer: Inda Reid at Images by Inda @imagesbyinda
Hair: Kyle Hennessy @kylehennessyhair

Ecrit par Spyfafa 
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